Emerson Csorba


A Member of the Board of Directors, The Canadian Ditchley Foundation

Formerly: Chief of Strategy and Partnerships, The Ditchley Foundation. Before joining Ditchley he led a consultancy focused on social network analysis, network-building and political campaign management, with clients in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel. He became involved in the work of Ditchley in late 2014, helping to identify emerging Canadian leaders for Ditchley conferences and he now serves as a member of the Canadian Ditchley Board of Directors. He earned a BA in Sciences Politiques at the University of Alberta’s Francophone Campus Saint-Jean, an M.Phil in Politics, Democracy and Democratic Education from the University of Cambridge, and is in the latter stages of a D.Phil in Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar. His book The Plight of Potential was published by Anthem Press in 2019. He is originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.